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The Largest Proposed Tar Sands Project

Local groups and organizations in Alberta and beyond are concerned about the impacts of approving another Tar Sands mine in Northern Alberta.


The Teck Frontier Mine is proposed in one of the untouched region of the Peace Athabasca Delta along the Athabasca River system. The project is proposed to cover more that 29,000 hectares of land and includes water withdrawals, wet tailing systems and create 6Mt of GHG emissions annually. The location of the project is also set to be 30km from a UNESCO World Heritage Park, the Wood Buffalo National Park, a park teetering on the brink of endangered because of Industrial development. In addition the project is proposed located 17km from the boundary of the a settlement of an Indigenous community.


Now is the time for us to act and demand the Federal Government does not grant Ministerial Approval of the Teck Frontier Mine. Take a stand for the climate, the environment and Indigenous and Human Rights.



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Current tar sands development use tremendous amounts of water, threatening the Athabasca River system and the inherent and treaty rights of the ACFN. 


Tar sands development is the largest single contributer to critical habitat distrubances for caribou, bison, and dozens of other species in the region.


Tar sands emissions are the largest growing emissions sector in Canada. Canada and Alberta have made National and international committments to curb emissions to address climate change.


Indigenous, environmental and public interest organizations are calling on the Canadian government to reject the proposal of the Teck Frontier Mine. We represent organizations consisting of students, Indigenous community members, scientists, and workers within Northern Alberta who oppose the mine proposal because of the irreversible harm it will cause to the local economy, the surrounding ecosystems and communities in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, and our chances of a safe climate future.




Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is the only Indigenous climate justice organization in Canada.  We are a diverse and growing network of active and engaged Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders. As an organization, ICA is directed by an all-Indigenous steering committee with representation from coast to coast to coast. We center our inherent rights, knowledge and ways of knowing to broaden the possibilities of climate solutions, build political power, inspire communities to take action. 


ICA aims to address the current exclusion of indigenous peoples’ rights in climate change discourse and emerging solutions discourse by building political power and capacity through the development of an Indigenous Climate Action network and accompanying resource materials. We intend to build up the capacity of the ICA to run as an independent Indigenous-led climate justice organization that supports and affirms the rights of Indigenous peoples. The overall project is build to ensure transparency and accountability to Indigenous peoples by incorporating a decolonizing approach to community organizing and social justice campaigning that is Indigenous-led, community-driven and models the practice of free prior and informed consent founded in Indigenous protocols.



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