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The Frontier Oilsands Mine would disrupt and destroy 29, 217 hectares of land.  This land is home to vital flora and fauna critical to carbon sequestration and climate stabilization. In addition to destroying the lands and environment, the project will add substantial GHGs emissions annually contributing to the now out of control climate emergency.


Approving a massive new mine to extract high-carbon fuel for decades would be radically inconsistent with your government’s climate emergency declaration this year. During the election campaign, the Liberal Party committed to achieving economy-wide, net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, which is well within the lifetime of this project. Frontier’s upstream annual emissions alone are likely to be six megatonnes.


Furthermore, the economic feasibility of the project is premised upon a growing global demand for oil which is incompatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

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